Tag: bread

85% Brown/Whole Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread

85% Brown/Whole Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread

This brown gluten-free sourdough bread is fairly versatile and soft, even though it is made with whole flours for 85% of the blend. It is my go-to nutritious and healthy bread. The flour blend used is rice-free and based on sorghum, gluten-free oat flour, and 

White Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread (Long Bulk)

White Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread (Long Bulk)

This white gluten-free sourdough bread is very versatile and great for anything where you need some good and soft white bread. It is great for sandwiches and panini. The flour blend used is based on white rice and gluten-free oat flour. Check the exact blend 

White Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread (long proof)

White Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread (long proof)

This white gluten-free sourdough bread is very versatile and great for anything where you need some good and soft white bread. It is great for sandwiches and panini. The flour blend used is based on white rice and gluten-free oat flour. Check the exact blend 

All you need to start baking gluten-free bread and pizza

All you need to start baking gluten-free bread and pizza

Gluten-free bread can be intimidating. But I, along with many other cooks and home cooks, are here to share my results and my flour blends so that the process can be as smooth as possible for you. I can assure you it is possible to 

You should start baking gluten-free bread today!

You should start baking gluten-free bread today!

How my gluten-free life started I was diagnosed with coeliac disease when I was about 13 years old, living in a small town in Sicily, in Southern Italy. “You can’t eat pizza anymore”, “you can’t eat pasta anymore”, “you can’t eat bread anymore”, were the